Their answers exposed a lot of conceptual misunderstandings when they mismatch their answers to 1-4 with ploidy level or process. To get B correct they have to think backwards in the process to understand what took place before this stage in the life cycle. And for those who grasp the concept, it was so easy. The problem is that no matter how you present the material, concrete thinkers resort to memorization, even when the lab endeavors to create an investigatory approach. When the Phactor first encountered such material as a freshman biology major, the professor, Dr. Marsh, aptly named because he studied cattails, deducted for logical inconsistencies because it was evidence you were guessing. Even then there were howls of protest and indignation.
Some things just don't seem to change, but Marsh is proud of me. And the exam did one thing it was supposed to do; it discriminated among my students and will make the final grading relatively easy even if the memorizers must be cut some slack. Sadly this was just too difficult for most of our students. Sorry, kids; sorry, world. You try, but sometimes you fail. However, you may be guaranteed that those top students are quite impressive, and really understand the land plant life cycle.
Have at it readers.
I feel sorry for your students. Those were easy questions.
I think that all teachers find teaching the conceptualizers more rewarding. However, for employers, surely the greatest need (in terms of numbers) should be for your transitional group who mix both skills. In this case, exams mixing questions which yield more to either one or the other skill set would be best?
I found over the years, that some of the memorizers could be slowly weaned off their absolute addiction during practical work by repeatedly challenging them with material/tasks where prior knowledge was of minimal use.
...but no matter what you tried, with some of them you could only despair !
With us, the problem seemed to be caused in large part by teachers at secondary school encouraging rote learning to meet the demands of predictable and unimaginative national exams. Another problem is the use of multiple choice question exams which over-reward the memorizers.
ah well - there is always next year and a new group of students...
boa sorte
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