The Phytophactor's blog template was tired & old, my original, but once something works, those of us who have lots of things going on and lots to do just don't like to mess because it turns things like blogging into big time sucks instead of a small diversion. But the old template had some problems, some limitations, and when the publication was switched over to FoS, well, all the feeds from all those nice friendly botanical blogs featured on my side bar just vanished, a bit of "collateral damage" from friendly fire, to use a military euphemism. So with a dread usually reserved for shopping for new clothes, the Phactor is trying on some new templates, and somehow this minimalist approach sort of caught my fancy, and it allows such radical changes as broader columns! Oooo! For now all the botanical blogs feeds are back, and this blog, all inclusive, will end up at FoS, eventually. If you really hate it, and think it looks as bad as a Trump comb-over, then just tell me, "It's interesting, very interesting." The message will be clear.
i am all for the occasional blog redesign. just one thing - you knew it was coming, i bet - white on black is hard for some of us to read. there is always google reader which remains black on white, so if you decide to leave it this way, i will stick with that.
Please no black on white. It's sooo undergraduate hipster, and hard to read too. i hate blogs where I have to highlight the text in order to read it in comfort.
i am all for the occasional blog redesign. just one thing - you knew it was coming, i bet - white on black is hard for some of us to read. there is always google reader which remains black on white, so if you decide to leave it this way, i will stick with that.
Please no black on white. It's sooo undergraduate hipster, and hard to read too. i hate blogs where I have to highlight the text in order to read it in comfort.
I like everything else about the design.
FoS!?! What is that?
Belette said...
FoS!?! What is that?
Field of Science a science blog collective.
Hipster or not, but I find the new look a welcome and appealing change. Black type, white ground is sooo 15th century.
I like it. :)
Just one thing: the white text against the background image in your header is impossible to read.
Interesting.........or maybe unreadable?
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