Field of Science

Identify this plant

The Phytophactor hasn't posted a plant identification quiz in quite some time largely because the sharpies among the readers of this blog always get it right on the first try. So don't really expect this quiz to be any different, but actually the Phactor just wants to show off the handsome image my old friends, like Jurassic old, Juruf and Dr. Chips sent me. Now given some of my well known likes and the obvious features of this flower, the genus isn't very hard, so to win this quiz, you have to get the species correct!


The Phytophactor said...

No takers! What's going on out there!

Eric said...

Could it be Magnolia campbellii?

The Phytophactor said...

A very honorable attempt,but just off the mark.

iplop said...

Magnolia sieboldii

iplop said...

Unfortunately I can't identify the sub species without seeing a flower. :/

The Phytophactor said...

M. sieboldii it is.

jpsterluvr said...

Magnolia macrophylla