The botanical meetings will be in New Orleans this
summer. Perhaps this will be timely because if
global warming keeps melting Arctic sea ice, and the ice caps on Greenland and
Antarctica a lot of this city will disappear under water. Depending upon the severity of the melting, it sounds like a 1 meter rise in sea level is almost certain,
and the rise could be as much as 7-8 meters.
Even a 1 meter rise will inundate most of New Orleans, and parts of most
of our coastal cities. At 7 meters, say
good bye to New Orleans and Miami, and goodly portions of other cities like
Venice, and probably some low lying countries as well. Will the shrewd moneyed global warming deniers
nonetheless study those maps and locate the new coastal lands and invest? Probably will never find out. Glad my neighborhood is called Highland.
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4 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
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