You can be sure it's all just a big mistake and somebody will admit to showing the wrong video, but Bill O'Really and the other Fox News commentator seem to take it seriously, but as pointed by sharp-eyed viewers, this video that purports to show outside agitators causing trouble in Wisconsin, who Bill calls "professional left-wingers", shows palm trees in the background at 0:16 seconds. Now Madison Wisconsin is a lovely city with nice lakes and lots of trees, but palm trees, in Wisconsin, in a zone 4 winter? Come on. People in the know have been saying Fox just makes it up, so when some angry crowd scene is needed to make their fiction seem real, who cares where it comes from. Maybe Bill will make a public retraction. HT to Mike.
Pay attention folks. O'Really isn't the only conservative who just makes it up; here's Hucklebee going on and on about Obama growing up in Kenya, you know which is a lot like Indonesia and Hawaii and sort of near by. He misspoke, of course. This just shows what kind of president Huck'll be (cute, eh?).
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O’rielly, what a joke, didn’t he say “video comes in video comes out never a miscommunication”. Why is it that so many fools follow this liar? It looks like that the top republican candidates for president will be coming from “Fake News/ Fox News”, or should I say “Big Business”, how funny.
I wonder if “Fake News” has a stable of likely republican supreme court justices (I am sure they will all attend the republican state of the union, unlike Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas, scum bags).
Montana, it's good you're not getting overly worked up about this.
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