TPP is retired so avoiding the university campus where Covid cases are increasing was not a tough thing; but hanging out at home is getting a bit old. The garden produce is keeping us well fed with fresh tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, and zucchini with lots of basil. Baby bok choi and lettuce have germinated for a fall crop. And again some hot weather and drought have returned. Water bill will be high again.
Home improvement is our means of keeping people working during the ecomomic plague and it is also the season when nothing seen or heard is to be trusted. It's going to be a long fall and TPP is so tired of this administration. Can barely find the energy to say that the WH rose garden needed some work, but who ever did the planning has no sense of the garden aesthetic. Bland would be TPP's assessment. But the current occupants are not the sort of people who have a well developed aesthetic, and certainly this is the least of my concerns. Botany is an international field and TPP is tired of apologizing for our country's bone-headed attitude. Leadership is a terrible thing to squander.
One gets the impression that our government wants us to be afraid, but neither god nor guns makes for safety although some people seem to think so. Stupid conspiracy theories are favorites of the gullible. Saw a well-dressed young gentleman who sign proclaimed that he thought socialism sucks. Personally libraries and public schools certainly don't suck that badly. Hope his graduation depends on his understanding of socialism.