OK TPP has done several posts about peonies, especially tree peonies. But maybe you can stand just one more. This yellow peony has been declared as TPP's favorite flower, and clearly it is in the top 10. Actual yellow peonies only occur in tree peonies, and hybrids made with tree peonies like the Itoh peonies. And one of these plants in full flower are pretty attractive. Isn't this grand? These do flower just slightly later than all of the pink to red to white flowered plants.
The All-New, All-Different Doc Madhattan
6 hours ago in Doc Madhattan
Gorgeous! TY.
Thank you. There is something very appealing to such large, yet rather delicate looking, flowers. TPP finds the yellow very cheerful. One of our yellow flowered Itoh peonies is going to put on quite a show with lots of flowers.
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