The Ohio House has approved by an overwhelming vote the Student Religious Freedom bill and now it awaits their Senate's action. It allows students to provide answers consistent with their religious beliefs and they cannot lose any points or have their grade reduced for such answers. So yes they can answer science questions with religious beliefs, i.e., saying that the Earth is only 6000 yrs old would suffice and be counted as equally correct with a geological answer. TPP has long held the opinion that you may believe what you will religiously, but you are not constitutionally protected from discomforting ideas. This Ohio Bill runs directly counter to this. And of course no evidence is needed for the religious answer.
This reminds TPP of an event around 400 years ago when the Inquisition force Galileo to recant his views on a heliocentric solar system, and it was claimed he muttered under his breath "And yet it moves." There is no evidence Galileo did this, but the Ohio bill shows how little we've learned. And apparently the idea that the Earth is a flat-disk rather than a globe is growing in popularity. TPP blames social media, where people can find like-minded postings that refute those stuffy old experts who claim to actually know something. This is a pathetic situation and a law designed to oppose evidence based scientific knowledge of all sorts. Welcome to our new Dark Ages, legislated ignorance.
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2 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
I'd probably take advantage of this to show how the various religions give different answers and so at least some of them must be wrong. Perhaps even point to where the bible disagrees with itself.
That's a good idea, but have to brush up a bit on my world religions (read there were 385 of them).
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