Yep! It was Charles' birthday. And Abe Lincoln's and my kid sister too. So pretty easy to remember. In times past we've had cake in the Herbarium but cake and a viral pandemic don't mix well. And TPP gets out all the Darwin books he owns just so students can see them. Heck, it's getting so faculty don't own such things as books either. Sadly books and journals used to be a measure of how good you were as a scholar. Once a month a visit to a big library would help keep in touch with the literature and you would solicit reprint copies of really good papers by sending a postcard. You would buy reprint copies to give away, now you just download a pdf copy. As a graduate student at least you got mail with reprints. Of course Charles wrote books, not a 8-10 page journal research article. Well Happy Birthday anyways, Chalres, you would not like how some things have changed.
The All-New, All-Different Doc Madhattan
22 hours ago in Doc Madhattan