A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Cake Walk
Ordering a cake for Darwin's belated birthday was like a trip to another land. Cake themes: subcategory: professional - no biological/scientific professions at all. Bummer. Can you do some botanical decorations? No, would flowers be OK? Yes. Message: Happy 203rd Birthday Charles. Wow! 203! That's amazing! He's 203? No, Charles is actually dead, but it's still his birthday. And you're celebrating his birthday? Yes. OK. Charles who? Darwin. Oh. Oh! Darwin! He did genetics or something. Yes. White cake or chocolate? Marble. Butter-cream frosting? Yes. Wow, you know your cakes! Thanks. A healthy dose of cake reality complements of the local grocery store baker.
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Funny and sad at the same time.