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Botancial Geek Tour - 2012
The planning is underway for this year's botanical geek tour, our third, in the continuing quest to see the 1001 botanical gardens you should see before you die. Economic times being what they are, and the Phactor's salary being what it is, the tour is most likely to be domestic, and in mid to late May. One plan suggested thus far is to center the tour around Longwood Gardens. It is hard to believe that the Phactors have not been there before, but that's the fact. Now here's the question: what else in the general region warrents a botanical geek's attention? Your suggestions will be taken under consideration. If you know the region well, remember that good food and beverages are an important, actually essential, component of botanical geek tours. Last tour the best cole slaw in the world was encountered in a bar and grill located nowhere in particular in rural Wisconsin, so this does not mean fancy is what we seek. Let's hear from you.
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You must visit Chanticleer, Wintertour,and The Scott Arboretum and Morris Arb.
ReplyDeleteMany places to eat, even Longwood's restaurant.
An excellent book on gardens here is Gardens of Phila. and the Delaware Valley by Wm. Klein, former director of the Morris Arboretum.Also see the Penna. Hort. Society's website for more.