Once you get a bed of Scilla siberica established you will basically have it forever. Someone planted some of these little bulbs sometime during the last eon and then ignored them, allowing them to continue to seed themselves until the entire lawn is blue with their flowers. The first bulbs to bloom were back in early April but then it took another 3 and a half weeks for them to reach peak flowering, peak blue. This is a true harbinger of spring. Unfortunately it will takes several more weeks for the leaves to die back, before what passes for a lawn can be mowed. The leaves contain a sort of mucilage and if mowed while still fresh the result is a green slime. To rid a garden bed of the bulbs just about requires than the soil be sifted though a screen to remove all the little bulbs because the blue can overwhelm other small plants like some of Mrs. Phactor's species tulips which are all a bit on the small side.
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