Friday Fabulous Flower - little Iris

 Early spring is starting out to be rather warm and dry, and predictable. First the snowdrops flower, then the witchhazels.  TPP mentioned this and the woman asked yellow or red flowers.  Both.  She answers, Of course.  Then Crocus of various sorts, and colors, but a lot more gold than TPP remembers.  One of the most striking spring flowers is Iris reticulata.  It's a bulb not a rhizome.  Here they are all of 4 inches tall pushing up through the leaf litter.


  1. Dearest Phactor,

    a flower to cheer anyone at this time of year. I have a small pot by the front door and it gives me a great deal of pleasure each time I leave the house. Another favourite blue at this time of year is Scilla siberica which looks fantastic with the sun behind it.

    ... so thank you for cheering me up this morning (hail and I will not be going out to look at the real thing just now)!


  2. Our gardens have so many Scilla flowering, you can't actually walk without stepping on them; it is a blue lawn, a big event in our spring flowering season.


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