A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Friday Fabulous Flower - Floriforous native
TPP has missed Friday again, but this was ready and the image is from last Friday. You plant natives because generally they are tough, but this one also provides gobs of colorful flowers. TPP first saw this species on road cut embankments on a trip west. And it required a stop for a bit of roadside botany. It's pretty easy to identify this plant family, Onagraceae, the evening primrose family. The flowers are large and they have a long floral tube, which is the kind of thing you associate with hawkmoth pollination. This used to be called Oenothera missouriensis, but now it's O. macrocarpa. This plant is just behind a south-facing retaining wall, so the spot is hot and prone to be dry. The plant is only about 1 foot tall and wide (see the knock-out rose provided for contrast and size comparison) and yet it has about 2 dozen flowers open. And they are all a bright, clear yellow in color. Individually they don't last long but flowering could go on for another 2-3 weeks. While native it is listed as quite rare here in Lincolnland. Cultivars are routinely sold and it is perennial.
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