Friday Fabulous Flower - It's red, and it's a buckeye
Too many nice things flowering right now making it hard to choose; 5 different azaleas, 6 or so different peonies, a Carolina silver bell, a couple of Magnolias, a couple of Calycanthus bushes, some Deutzias, one unknown (probably an Actea), until it does flower, a pearl bush, lots of wild geranium, and so on. So today's shrub gets overlooked because while attractive it isn't gaudy, but makes a nice addition to shrub border or a woodland edge, the red buckeye, Aesculus pavia, a native species. Don't confuse this with a red-flowered horse chestnut, although it is another Aesculus. Doing some foreign traveling, so TPP may be more irregular at posting than usual for a couple of weeks.
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