A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
At long last: leaf cleanup
Although not ideal conditions, the weather finally stayed warm enough and dry enough for the tons of leaves in our yard to get rounded up. Unfortunately, while many got deposited in an area destined to become a woodland garden, the guys with backpack blowers added a lot of leaves to some of our gardens where they will remain until March. This means that the net hung over the lily pond could be removed, but it wasn't easy. In places the net was not just filled with soggy leaves, but frozen into the shell ice. This added greatly to the weight and therefore the difficulty of removing the net. It was all the two of us could do to pull it out! Such a bother but probably kept 90% of the leaves out of the pond. In some places the Scilla bulbs that turn our yard blue have sprouted waiting for the first hints of spring.
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