A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Student protests - You go guys!
TPP is actually rather impressed by these Millenial high school students protesting gun violence in schools. This is the best student protest effort since the Kent State killings by National Guardsmen (armed but not protectors) resulted in anti-war protests that closed down most of the nation's colleges and universities (TPP's senior year). At that time students got called a lot of nasty names (dirty hippy was the funniest) for protesting the Vietnam War, and TPP remembers getting tear gased, and crossing picket lines to finish some needed classes to graduate. So none of the negative reactions to today's students surprises TPP. Pundits who don't think students who were shot at should have an opinion about guns, or are even citizens (the moronic Tucker Carlson); or people who think they need semi-automatic weapons to protect themselves. Really? Some student protestors will be subjected to punishment including in one remarkably primitive area corporal punishment (seriously getting paddled for protesting killings?). Protest anyways and take their punishments knowing how wrong they are. History will be on your side. And you will have learned how not to act.
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