A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
SYCs have master naturalists yelling "uncle".
Birders have long been familiar with LBJs before and even after he became POTUS. The botanical equivalent has always been SYCs, stinking yellow composites, yellow-flowered members of the Asteraceae, formerly the Compositae, daisies, sunflowers, asters, and so on, and on, and on. It's a big family, one of the biggest. And in grasslands, and even old fields, a heap-ton of these flower in the fall. Everytime you turn around, there is another one. Some TPP recognizes by sight, but very often it takes a bit of time in the herbarium and with available field guides to determine what plant it is. TPP is sort of over-seeing a couple of master naturalist projects, and even very diligent and hard working amateurs such as these can often "give up" on STCs. Toughies such as these take lots of practice and experience. Something that doesn't come in a book or bottle. In particular TPP found that just the sunflowers, genus Helianthus, could be a problem, so using a scanner, he constructed some cheat sheets for our local area using a combination of fairly easy to observe features to document each species. But clearly more such sheets are needed, and next week he will be in the field to help out documenting the plant contents of some restored prairie patches. Hopefully, no LBJ will be seen perched on an SYC, although if so, birders usually don't notice the latter. Hang on troops, help is on the way!
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