Iceland gets it; takes action.

Like most of the world, Iceland is watching the United States of America with growing concern. President Trump won the election in part by blowing demagogic dog whistles so loud even racist German Shepherds across the Atlantic could hear. Many in Iceland wondered if he could’ve won without the support of conservative churches and their faith-based flocks hoping for the biblical apocalypse?
The answer is obvious.
Prime Minister Andrew Kanard touted the IPDA while soaking in one of the many hot springs the country enjoys:
We in Iceland value our relationship with the United States of America. It is a great nation with a history they should be proud of. Currently, however, they seem to off whatever medication their doctor prescribed for them. Iceland wishes to support our friend in need. In that spirit, we are sending teachers over there to educate and assist rural communities infected with ignorance and superstition. What we will not do is allow ourselves to be invaded by that ignorance and superstition which is propagated by televangelists.

Read more here.  Too bad Iceland only has 300,000 people; they'll never get enough educational missionaries to make a difference.
As a measure of how bad things are, TPP didn't grok that this was satire until the missionary thing.   

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