More big money culture - Philbrook Museum

Plenty of old oil money exists around Tulsa, and some of it (Phillips 66) has resulted in the Philbrook Museum of Art.  The Museum is housed in Waite Phillips' Italianesque mansion.  Strangely they were featuring a collection of Chicano art collected by Cheech Marin, and it was a very impressive collection.  Saw way to many Madonna & Child paintings from their old Italian masters collection. TTP thought he'd seen all of them in Florence, but no. This museum also had a WWI retrospective on propaganda posters, sort of a strange parallel with the Gilcrease, but this one didn't have another theme included.  The Philbrook's grounds are quite extensive, very formal around the mansion, but the "informal" garden was also quite handsome and worth a walk around now that they have been rennovated, Glad it wasn't too steamy hot.  Here's a view of the mansion from way down in the informal garden.  Formal garden is above.

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