A regular annoyance

Just a couple of weeks ago, TPP mentioned that our "Be excellent to everyone" (Bill & Ted) sign was vandalized.  It has now happened twice more, two more consecutive Saturday nights in the wee morning hours, not surprisingly at about the time the bars close.  Something about beer produces a regression in maturity, and with each reiteration, and realization that this sign is both physically tough, and it's owners persistent, this person or persons become verbally vulgar as if they were the ones insulted by the messages on this sign.  Now you would hope that by the time someone is old enough to drink that they had mastered both the 1st amendment and their own anger; one might hope they would think about the sign and perhaps write a letter to the newspaper explaining their reason for outrage.  So now the sign is back, having been out of service for all of 1 day.  What do you think? Get out the old critter camera and see what we may see?

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