A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Millions of ferns
The Phactors are attending Botany2017 in Ft. Worth TX. Among the many things learned already was Casa Flora (actually SE of Dallas) is one of the largest wholesale producers of ferns in the world. They propagate around 150 different species of ferns using either tissue culture or spore culture. Both are quite impressive operations resulting in vast numbers of ferns - acres of ferns. If you buy a decent sized fern in the USA, chances are it started it's life here. Here's a room (only partly shown) of trays, under artificial light where trays of spores are grown, in remarkable numbers, so the trays are filled with very young plants, and then they are transplanted into trays of 72 plants and further grown in a greenhouse area, one of many. The images show the trays, the young ferns in the trays (photo taken through the saran wrap) and then the flats of small ferns filling a large greenhouse. Even the catalog, available at the link above is impressive.
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