In response to criticism that he only attends the daily
intelligence briefing weekly (or so), Donald Trump told
Chris Wallace, “I’m, like, a smart person. I don’t have to be told the same
thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years.”
President-elect Trump has a habit of telling people he’s
smart, frequently boasting of having gone to the Wharton School, and using the exact
same, “I’m like, a smart person” formulation in one of his earliest primary
This got me thinking about the smart people I’ve known.
The smartest people I’ve known never tell you how smart they
are. In fact, it’s the opposite, as they’re more than willing to tell you about
the things they’re ignorant of.
The smartest people I’ve known are insatiably curious.
Everything is interesting to them and that interest often takes the form of
The smartest people I’ve known read constantly and widely in
order to feed their curiosity. Their intelligence is reflected in their
When you remark to smart people that you think they’re smart
they wince and deflect and say they know lots of smarter people.
If my criteria for identifying smart people is accurate,
then it’s safe to say that Donald J. Trump will be, by far, the dumbest
President of the United States in history.
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