A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Friday Fabulous Flowers - Mums the word
Fall color basically comes in one of two forms: tree leaves and chrysanthemums. Of all the seasonally correct flowers mums are one of TPP's favorites. They come in so many bright colors, and so many different bloom forms, they are hard to resist. The modern non-hardy varieties can be grown to form a massive mound of flowers that last for a reasonable amount of time. They can be used to fill in fall garden beds with bright masses of color until a fatal freeze comes along. These are the non-hardy type so don't try to save them. This year has been a warm fall, so things have persisted; window box petunias are still in flower and it's October 28! Here's a garden bed from our "uptown" and it's just plain cheerful.
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