TPP on vacation

Well, another fine botany meeting is shot to hell.  TPP has been doing these since 1972.  Following 4 days of non-stop botany and botanical business, TPP needed some vaca, so the Phactors are at a beach house on Tybee Island.  There is no time to blog at such meetings.  Hard enough to find time to eat sometimes.  The beach wifi has not been the best and windows10 is acting up again for the umpteenth time, so with limited time blogging has been slow.  But then again you don't expect good wifi in an a beach bar.  You also don't expect AC, and there isn't any, and it's as hot and muggy as you might not be able to imagine here in southern Georgia, however in some ways it's a welcome change from over refrigerated conference centers.  Some good travel pics will follow but not from an iPhone.  Mostly just been teasing the F1 at home with 'don't you wish you were here?' pictures.  Yes, it's mean.

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