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Seed dispersal display
Fruits are flowers at the stage of seed dispersal. As such many have attractive displays for the purpose of attracting seed dispersers with the promise of a reward, either the edible fruit itself or a fleshy seed coat, or a fleshy tissue surrounding the seed, an aril. Here's the seed dispersal display of a sweet bay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana). Magnolias have many pistils in each flower and each makes a fruitlet, usually a tough little dry follicle that opens along one seam to release or reveal one or two aril-covered seed. The bright orange-red fleshy aril is both the visual attraction and the reward, the seed has a dark-brown tough seed coat. The seeds actually dangle on a thread to attract even more attention from birds who after digesting off the aril regurgitate the seed. Displays like this can last days, and disappear quickly when a flock of cedar waxwings stop by.
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