A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Niagara Falls. Slowly I turned ... step by step ... inch by inch ...
TPP is visiting in western upstate NY where he grew up, and since it had been decades, why not visit Niagara Falls. OK, title explanation: Niagara Falls! "Slowly I turned.... step by step.... inch by inch..." Why did my brain associate this phrase with the falls? TPP should make you do your own pop culture research, but apparently this is the long lasting influence of an Abbott and Costello routine where the words, "Niagara Falls" triggered a remembered retribution from a stranger reliving a traumatic event now visited upon the hapless Costello. And all he said was...
No idea how many times TPP has been to Niagara Falls; numerous, but it has been a long time 20-30 years or so since the last visit. Perhaps on the way home form botanical meetings in Toronto? The Falls are still spectacular, although the city of Niagara Falls, NY surrounding the NY State park has seen much better days. Presently the city can charitably be called shabby. The park is nice although presently under quite a bit of renovation limiting access. And US-Canada crossing have gotten onerous particularly coming back, so the border was not crossed. Oh, for others the Niagara River separates the USA and Canada between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. The falls started off an escarpment near Lake Ontario, but has carved a canyon several miles long as it has retreated toward Erie.
Still even after all the water removed for hydroelectric, the volume of water is rather stupendous, and the mist from the falls still can be seen from quite a distance, and if the wind shifts suddenly you get drenched as if in a rainfall. Lots of rainbows around on sunny days, and lots of tourists too. It was quite fun, full of memories this day. The American Falls is in the foreground and the Horseshoe Falls in the back; Goat Island is in between, a good place to start your exploration should you visit, and Canada beyond.
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