High speed rail comes to Lincolnland?

Taking advantage of its topographic featurelessness, Lincolnland is attempting to make trains more efficient and faster.  Trains are one of those areas where Europe totally tops the USA. Our beer and bread are improving, but the trains, not so much, even out here in the flat lands.  At any rate tracks are being installed for high speed rail service, but you know somehow something seems amiss. Doubt the speed of our trains is going to be improved based on the general condition of the new track.  In Europe the rails tend to be evener, more parallel, and smoother than these, which look more like the tracks of a amusement park ride. Based on these observations high speed rail is going to take awhile folks,and you'd better be careful how you hold your drink. Actually one of the fancy high speed trains came to town a couple of years ago, but it was towed in by a clunky old Amtrak diesel engine, again someone was missing the key concept.  

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