Friday Fabulous Flower -An Unknown

It doesn't happen often, but every now and again TPP runs into a plant in a garden he doesn't know. This particular plant was growing in a semi-formal terrace garden at the George Eastman House in Rochester, NY (one of 1001 gardens you should see before you die).  It looks to be a perennial herb with finely divided leaves a bit like yarrow. The flowering scapes were two feet tall, but boy this doesn't ring any bells even to a family level.  So here's your chance to impress TPP with your plant prowess.


  1. Hey, Marek I think you may have got it! Never seen this species before and our big F. rubes provided no hint of this smaller species. Thanks! Hurts that TPP missed the hypanthium and stipules.

  2. Stupid auto-correct changed rubra to rubes.

  3. I have it in my garden ;-) I have no idea, why it's considered such a close cousin of Filipendula rubra and F. ulmaria...


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