Blogging milestone

TPP has been blogging now for a bit more than 8 years!  Blog traffic has been tracked for the past 6 years, and went past the one millionth page view a month or so back.  It works out to an average of 500 page views a day, 15,000 page views a month for 6 years.  The two prior years were more or less shouting into the internet abyss where a stand-alone blog was hardly ever noticed. It's all still there in the archives, and for most of you new material.  The blogs used to be longer and less frequent, but that seemed to take too much time.  And for all of this TPP remains unsullied by money or advertising.  This is not actually very impressive traffic by the standards of some blogs, and this blog's readers are largely silent, not the chatter boxes of some blogs, but a lot of real content has been delivered over the years, a lot of pretty nice images (some of which get used without permission). And so there you have it.  Insane or kept sane; you decide. The Phytophactor goes on.


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