A very peculiar "forest"

Here's the cover image from the November issue of the American Journal of Boany, and it shows a rather peculiar forest. No one even tried to figure out the last cover image challenge on waterlilies which was rather difficult. But it hut TPP's feelings that no one so much as tried. So this one demands more active participation. As with most of the cover photos they relate to a research paper covered in that issue. So if you figure out what you are looking at TPP will tell you what the research was all about.  How's that for a deal?  In this case the color tells you a lot.  What a great canopy shot!


  1. Water lillies are hard. This one is easy; its, errm, seaweed. Kelp?

  2. Yes, kelp, but much too short to be a real kelp forest. Maybe a kelp ground-cover...


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