A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Whatta weekend!
The gathering began 5 days ago. Slowly people arrived, in ones, twos, and threes, and sometimes more; from out of state, out of the country, drawn by some primal urge, some pheromonal attraction, some ancient calling, friends and family gathered, until it was a deluge, all for the occasion of the F1s wedding. The gardens cooperated, the weather cooperated, the chairs cooperated, the friends and family cooperated, and the result was an utterly charming wedding. In the process the Phactors gained a son-in-law and neighbors became family, a small town thing, but there you have it. Still it was quite a party, and most of the participants are now well fed, perhaps overly imbibed, some newly met, some long between visits, some new acquaintances, and Mrs. Phactor heroically managed this marathon while ill. At this point the many participants are now dispersing, a reversal of the gathering in somewhat shorter time. On the whole the thing was quite satisfying, the more so because the F1, just before walking down the aisle asked her Father if he believed that she'd be married in about 25 mins? It only took about 9 years, plus 25 minutes, so yes, it seemed quite possible that this was going to happen in the very short term, and a prediction that proved most accurate. Congratulations to the young couple, may they be as happy as the Phactors have been and for even longer.
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