A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Bored with nothing to do?
You know it was a busy weekend if you need a Monday to rest up. The weekend started with a TGIF with friends and a walk in the garden. A little cool, but the smoked trout was excellent with a tart NZ chardonnay, and several spring flowering plants were looking quite nice (look for a blog later this week). Saturday was cold and wet with rain all morning. TPP found the last butternut squash in the cool cellar and since it was still in good condition transformed it into a curried squash and apple soup (this isn't exactly the recipe but close), perfect for a cold, wet day, but it hasn't been eaten yet. When you can't garden, why not garden shop? A Mrs. Phactor motto that makes her such a favorite with our local garden shoppe proprietor. Went out to dinner with friends to try a restaurant that was new to us - Escobar's (E. Columbia, Champaign, IL); it is very much worth a visit. Sunday was much nicer, so the garden spring clean-up continued with pruning, shifting of bunny protection cages from shrubs to emerging perennials, fertilizing, pruning of trees and shrubs, and the first mowing of some lawn (avoiding the blue lawn-green slime Scilla dominated areas). Found time to make a ground lamb ragu pasta for din-dins. Ended the day with a very heavy nostalgia trip by attending a gray hairs' concert by the Nitty-Gritty Dirt Band who still perform well and sound pretty good. Whoosh! Where did the weekend go? And best of all didn't hear or see anything about a single playoff game of any sport! No such boredom 'round here.
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