A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
PlantingScience - creating tomorrow's scientists today
As you may or may not have noticed, no ads, no commercial pop-ups sully the pages of this blog. Yes, you get the wisdom, knowledge, and wit of TPP for free, and it's darned well worth every penny, too. Endorsements are far and few between. Here though is an educational program in botany called Planting Science, which is worthy of attention. PlantingScience teaches science via inquiry, which is how it should be done. And has it been successful, wow! Unfortunately you can be hampered by your own success, so the Botanical Society of America is seeking help to greatly increase the capacity of the website and the program. There are classrooms full of kids just waiting to sign up. You can read all about PlantingScience and see a very nice little video at the link provided. Maybe you're a teacher and you'll see this as a great opportunity to change your science classroom. The most remarkable part of this program is that kids get mentored by over 800 members of the Botanical Society! Can you imagine that? Professional botanists taking time to help and encourage kids doing science! So if you can, lend a hand. A donation of any size will help things out, and if you want us to name a plant after you, the BSA only needs $75,000 to accomplish its educational goals. Please do pass this along to others. Post it on your blog or on your social medium of choice. Thank you.
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