Really cool compact camper

OK, here's TPP's warning: you'll want one of these campers, so don't go look unless you have a tight grip on your credit cards.  Hmm, actually now that TPP sees the price tag, maybe it's not going to be too hard to avoid impulse buying. Note how everything has it's place: the wine bottles and wine glasses.  No matter what it's bloody clever to make something so compact that's so functional. At any rate, if one of you readers decides to purchase one, do send TPP a product review for him to publish. Years ago TPP built a "clever, compact, everything-you-ever-need" outfitters' kitchen box that was bigger and heavier than that entire camper, or so it seemed. Yes, it was so clever it didn't even fit in our vehicle unless we left the very young F1 out. The solution was to get a VW van and then use the box for years and years, and then give it to a boy scout troop leader. 

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