A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
A green, sustainable New York City?
Well, if you can do it for NYC, you can do it for almost anywhere, but really, folks? Think about it for a moment. If you only consider food, you have to have an area about the size of Connecticut just to grow enough food for the population of NYC. There is no magic; the food must come from somewhere, in fact it comes from thousands of somewhere that in total are larger areas than the neighboring state, and all that transportation does have a cost in terms of energy and pollution, and food quality too. It's an interesting idea, but easier to visualize and realize on much smaller scales, e.g., Salem, OR. Places like Detroit might be easier too because they have so much less population and so much more green space available. A green NYC would be a much nicer place to live just in terms of easier on the eyes. Even out here in the agricultural heartland, TPP grieves to see uncontrolled and sprawling growth convert some of the best farm land in the world into dozer-blighted 'burbs'. It should be criminal, and it shows that even modest-sized, university cities are headed in the wrong direction, but it is government by and for developers who do not bear the cost of ruining farmland and making mass transit unworkable.
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