A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Yes, we'll have no bananas
This is a rather depressing report on the spread of a blight that threatens bananas, worldwide! This may not seem particularly important to some people, but in many tropical areas bananas are a starchy staple and important part of their diets on a par with potatoes for those of us in the northern temperate zone. The root of the problem is that bananas, at least the widely planted varieties, are based on a limited genetic base. As the report points out, this will make it easy for this plant disease to spread. Everyone knows that basing a crop on a limited genetic base is dangerous, but it seems it takes a disaster or near disaster to get a breeding program going. HT to AoB blog.
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Doesn't that apply only to Cavendish, the dominant commercial breed? I thought bananas used as staple food are genetically very diverse and more resistant to diseases.
ReplyDeleteBasically, that's true, your familiar banana is in big trouble. A lot of the starchy bananas are much less susceptible. Thanks.