A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Leaf elves came but other things make for busy life
One day our yard is solid leaves so deep you can't see any lawn; the next day they're all gone. Actually the leaves have been shredded and piled in places for spreading around. With so many gardens the Phactors don't waste leaves; they all get mulched. That left us free to finish other gardening chores: moving fences to protect shrubs from the bun-buns, clipping back some perennials, deleafing the pond (the one place the elves ignore), emptying rain barrels, planting more bulbs (species tulips in this case), pulling more redbud seedlings, and getting other outdoor stuff ready for winter. Finished the main tasks just as some rain moved in. Tropical low is colliding with the jet stream and the weather promises to be pretty bad. So switched gears from gardening to cooking for two dinner parties, tonight and tomorrow night. Makes up for eating out two nights in a row, an unusual event when not traveling. Out of town guest arriving soon, and TPP is packing for a rainforest field trip to Costa Rica. Where has the bloody semester gone?
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