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When you can't afford onions
People can put up with quite a bit, and while annoying, if some non-necessity or luxury item is beyond your means, well, you wait or change your mind and generally endure. But when you cannot afford the staples of life, you get really, really upset. Many of my readers may not be as familiar with India and Indian food as TPP, but right now India is having some problems because one of their food staples is undergoing rapid inflationary pricing. Onions. Other than maybe some desserts, every Indian recipe begin with cooking onions and spices in oil. Generally you think of onions as one of those pretty reasonable commodities that's always available. When the price of onions goes up 5-fold from 20 rupees a kilo to 100 rupees a kilo, people get really upset. Imagine a truck hijacking for 20 tons of onions? How are you supposed to eat? Indeed! Let them eat pizza? Today the rupee hit an all time low against the dollar (approx. 1.5 cents/rupee), so imported onions would be expensive too. And you know it's not the farmers who are reaping the benefits of the price increase.
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