A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Rick called
Rick Sanctimonious called. He wanted to tell me how outraged he was. Lots of things outrage Rick, and mostly it would seem it's people's freedom to do things that Rick doesn't like, and there are lots of things Rick doesn't like. Rick was hoping that the people he was calling were outraged enough at what he was telling us that some money might be "invested" in his cause. It was nice of Rick to call, so best be polite. When he's done TPP will pick up the telephone from the kitchen counter, disinfect it, and then hang it up. Sounds like Rick may be going on for awhile, and you want him to get his money's worth, but since it's a pretty one-sided call, he didn't actually need me to keep listening. Hello? Hello? Wonder if Rick got my message?
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