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Over dose of cooking, but guests pleased, sated
Yesterday was the day the Phactors cooked a margarita and tapas dinner having auctioned off this event to raise money for church remodeling. In general TPP regards cooking as fun, but when you are cooking for 12 and preparing several newish recipes, it's also a lot of work. The menu consisted of the following dishes: 1st - banderillas with olives, cheese, chorizo, pickles, salami, marinated mushrooms, etc. in various combinations of 3, sauted portabello mushroom and goat cheese quesadillas, and grilled, marinated shrimp. 2nd - roasted sweet pepper salad, asparagus wrapped in Spanish ham, and sherried eggplant. 3d - "Russian" potato salad, salmon in mojo sauce, and lastly, almond tacos (think thin cookies shaped like taco shells) filled with seasonal berries and topped with whipped cream. Of course you want it all to look nice and be prettily presented, and not use a lot of last minute preparation; after all you have guests. The first course was served with margaritas; the rest with a white sangria. The weather all day was on-and-off rain, and it was off for the evening, so the party took place in our garden pavilion, but it was a bit cool, not really the best setting for summery food and cold drinks. Nonetheless, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the dinner fare, or were at least polite enough to say so. The four most liked dishes were the roasted pepper salad, the asparagus wrapped in ham, the grilled shrimp, and the berry taco. This dinner took considerable planning and preparation, and it kept us busy for a full day having started the evening before. TPP has great admiration for people who do this, and do it well, on a restaurant sized scale. So enough cooking for a day or so, and enough left-overs to allow that.
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