Friday Fabulous Flower - What is it?

 Oh, it's been awhile since TPP has had a plant ID quiz.  Now to be fair, much to the delight of our woody hort person,TPP himself failed this quiz being not only unable to guess the name of this plant, but being unable to put it into a family!  Of course, this was a plant he had never ever seen before, and there's always something new to see.  So it's a small tree or big shrub, and here's the flower and the leaf.  See what you can do with it, and then an answer will be posted if one of you hot-shots doesn't have it by then.  It's not a gaudy flower, but it's rather cute dangling like it does.  How about them anthers?  This might be cute in a shady sort of back border, and it's clearly hardy here in the upper midwest. 


  1. I have no idea! It reminds me of lots of things, but maybe some sort of nightshade relative?

  2. Almost looks like wild cucumber...

  3. Alangium platanifolium?


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