Mob scene turns ugly!

Mobs can be pretty ugly; unruly mobs even more so.  When they all surge in the same direction their energy is like being caught in a tsunami.  Kids, senior citizens, small electric vehicles, all get bowled over in seconds as the relentless mob rolls on.  An NFL offensive line wouldn't stand a chance. Checked the time; it was still a few minutes before 8 AM, which was when our annual arboretum plant sale was scheduled to begin, but this morning cabin-fevered gardeners  were a mob not to be denied as they swarmed into the sale early. When you see two elderly women duking it out, a cane versus a walker, to obtain the last queen of the prairie, you realize that plant sales with limited quantities are not for the faint of heart.  There was more pushing and shoving over Amish paste tomatoes, a great favorite, but not worth risking your life over.  With impeccable timing, Mrs. Phactor was late to the fray and emerged completely unscathed with several bloodroots for our woodland garden. Gardeners, usually such nice people, show their ugly side at plant sales.  Such animals!

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