Artist on a roll does gather moss

TPP has a great fondness for botanical art in one form or another.  So it was with great interest that he
read about the sculptural art of Mineo Mizuno that uses moss to create a living component.  These are very appealing, but immediately there was a strong feeling of deja vu all over again.  A few years ago at the Chelsea Garden show one of the small garden displays was all moss: a moss covered table and chair under a moss-covered roof, and so on.  One of TPP's great friends, the Mighty Michael, as he is know to a few of us, is more than a little creative, was even closer to the mark with a bit of creative play with his research organism, in this case genetic variants of a moss arranged in a worldly manner.  This particular "image" graced the November 1999 cover of the American Journal of Botany (you can see more cover images here). It's pretty clear which image is from the artist and which from the botanist (artists don't use petri plates to display their medium).  So take a little time to appreciate those little green things in life, moss.

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