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Jimmy Carter - USA's best past president?
As this recent interview on the Daily Show demonstrates, a good case can be made for Jimmy Carter as the most successful past-president in US history. He's used his connections and skills to help make some major improvements to world health through simple pragmatic solutions, which very much supports his claim to be the world's greatest builder of latrines. To which Stewart quips, "Guess we should remame them Jimmy instead of calling them John." This caused TPP to reflect upon the past presidential careers of all the presidents he can remember, and nobody even comes close to Carter. Of course it still remains to be seen what Dubya manages to accomplish as past president now that he's also given up being a good-old-brush-clearing country boy. While Carter got severely drubbed while president, what he's done since demonstrates that his character and abilities are quite impressive. Hope our current president was taking some notes.
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I have to agree, the change he has effected in the world is impressive by anyone's standards.