Uh oh! Missed my anniversary!

No, TPP isn't in trouble because it wasn't THAT anniversary for which there are usually many hints.  The Phytophactor blog was started on February 12th in 2008, so it's 5th anniversary just passed.  What can be said?  The blogging just keeps plugging along at a rate of not quite one a day for a total of almost 1600 blogs.  A blog written just 9 days after TPP began blogging remains the most read blog by a factor of about 5, of course it's had lots of time to accumulate page hits.  Who knew so many people wondered about whether an artichoke was a fruit or a vegetable?  Nature blogs network records the traffic from 2371 nature related blogs, and according to their records, TPP is 157th overall and 8th among plant-related blogs (and it was higher; damned birder blogs!).  The total number of page views is hard to figure out because my stats don't go back to the beginning, and there was a period of outage, and different places all record rather different data, but the 500,000 mark is not far away.  The good news is that TPP is still having fun, and hopefully y'all are too.  But still no entries in the Winter Mix cocktail contest!  Let's go people!     

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment! And it's great to hear that you're still having fun with blogging. Happy blogoversary!


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