A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Tapas Saturday Shopping
It's a rather bleak looking Saturday, not a good day for outdoor work, and this is probably a good thing because the indoors need policing prior to having our dinner group arrive. Tonight's menu is Spanish and tapas, which should be fun. Presently we're making a shopping list, and blogging, only one of which is deemed useful by a narrow majority of those present. The hardest thing to find is one of the most central of ingredients: Spanish sherries. Over the past 30 years here in a small university city in the upper midwest many things have become much more common. Cheese used to be a serious problem, but now even groceries have a reasonable selection. Far more diverse selections of beer and wine are now available. You find more exotic fruits and veggies. But for some reason sherries remain uncommon with little diversity. TPP used to get a nice bottle every Christmas because my lovely wife went on a shopping expedition to ChiTown. This year he got an extremely nice bourbon, so that was not a complaint. A successful shopping expedition this morning will require that we find a fairly decent amontillado because obviously sherried chicken livers require sherry. It's also important because obviously the cook needs a little glass to sip while cooking or the recipe won't come out right at all as is well known. Our foraging expeditions generally follow the 90-90 rule where 90% of all the items you want are found at your first stop, and the remaining 10% of the items take you to the other 90% of places to shop. Well, our caffeine titer seems to have reached a functional level, so our shopping is about to begin, which means the blogging must end.
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