Snow day - Student interpretation

University campuses are a great place to work, to spend your time, because there's always something going one: mad things, crazy things, zany things, serious things, nothings, etc.  Yesterday was a snow day, so do not come to campus unless you are essential personnel.  Well, students are certainly essential to a university, so what does having a snow day mean to students?  Their obvious interpretation is that a snow day is for playing in the snow.  Since the  primary reason for a snow day is the convenience of commuters, the campus residents are there ready to go, and nature supplied a goodly amount of nice mouldable snow and the accompanying temperatures were quite mild, it was perfect day for snow play.  The main quad of our campus now sports about two to three dozen snow "sculptures", which they must be called since the size and creativity goes far beyond mere snow men, and in several cases the gender was not at all left in question.  A couple of strategically placed snow forts suggested a battle, or at least ambushes of anyone so foolish as to be walking on the sidewalk between them.  In one case a tree had a new suit of clothes around its trunk, but white is wrong for the season.  Perhaps coming to a Youtube near you, an avant-garde film of a young Asian woman in a pink bikini and naught else cavorting in the snow while being pelted with snow balls.  Otherwise, who knows?  So, yes, students certainly know what to do on a snow day.  TPP worked on illustrations for a publication.  Yes, very lame. 

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