New image for a new year

As much as TPP hates messing with things that work, after awhile you do sort of feel the need for a change, and no, he's not commenting on his marriage.  The tree peonies had been the header image for some time, a year or so, and it seemed like a good idea to change the header image for this blog before forgetting how to do it altogether.  Even then it took a few tries to get the image reduced in size enough so it didn't run off the screen and to get the aspect ratio correct, or at least compatible with the header.  Hope you like this, it's part of our garden showing a new addition, a pergola-bench next to the waterlily-lotus pond. 


  1. That garden "room" looks very inviting. I can imagine sitting on the bench for several hours on a mild June Saturday, reading a good book and sipping some tea. Great addition to your blog header.

  2. "Tea?" Sorry you can't hear the sound of the cascade on the opposite side from the pergola.

  3. Tea on the rocks. Tea made from tequila.


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