A plant pundit comments on plants, the foibles and fun of academic life, and other things of interest.
Kibble and bits
The Phactors like to cook, especially when we can't garden, for our general amusement and to get food you just can't buy out on the town. Like all foodies, recipes accumulate, and sometimes sit around a couple of years before you give them a try, and this was no exception. This recipe came in the Bon Appetit cooking magazine in 2009. Last night was the first time we gave this a try, a stir fry of pork loin, baby bok choi, and whole clementines cut into 8ths, skin and all. The picture shows the clementines cut into wedges, but we cut the whole fruit in half cross ways and then quartered the halves. The dish is flavored with minced ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, and Thai-style sweet chili sauce. It was fast and easy and amazingly good, a real taste sensation. Fantastic! Try this; you'll like it. Let us know what you think.
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where's the kibble come in??